Inside PokerSnowie's brain reveals the work of the Snowie AI Team. It explores first hand how the brain of PokerSnowie evolves and learns advanced strategic concepts, on its own.
PokerSnowie's ultimate aim is to produce the perfectly balanced game, find the ultimate un-exploitable equilibrium for all No Limit Hold'em configurations. Join us on this fascinating journey, which is just starting, into the future of poker.
Old vs New AI - An opportunity to add deception
The hand: Another pre-flop play, facing a 3bet from the big blind, is it correct to 4bet with 6d4d?
Evaluation from the old AI = No it would be a blunder
Evaluation from the new AI = Yes it is an option
What are the pros and cons of including low suited connectors in a 4bet bluffing range?
- Pro: it gives a better board coverage to the range. A 4bet represents big pairs and big cards. With 64, hero can hit hard flops on which he is unlikely to connect with his range and bluff when he misses on flops with big cards. This aspect is much more important in Omaha or in No Limit Hold’em when played very deep.
- Con: the hand has no blocker. Having an ace, a king or even a queen in our hand reduce the chances to face a big hand. This is more important for a 3-betting range than for the 4-betting range since, usually, the player which 3-bet in first place has either a hand or some blockers himself.
- Pro: suited connectors play better with the initiative. Post flop the hand will generally flop at best a draw or a low pair. It is more profitable to continuation bet and capitalize the fold equity than face a bet.
- Con: the hand has poor equity against villain’s calling range. Most of their calling range include over pairs to our two cards. With 6 high we will feel committed to bluff on most of the flops and it can back fire against some stubborn opponents.
I won’t call it a leak to never 4-bet with 64s, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong to do it. There are not many combos of suited connectors. 4-betting from time to time with those hands is adding some deception in our game without weakening our 4-betting range.
Article written by Sharp